Safety & Health Construction Co-ordination in the Nordic Countries

The aim of the project ‘Building safely – Enhanced education for safety & health construction co-ordinators in the Nordic countries’ was to analyse the need to strengthen training for safety & health construction co-ordinators and discuss the development of a model for a common standard of excellence in the Nordic countries, e.g. a certification scheme. The main activity was to run a two-day workshop for Nordic experts. Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Faroe Islands and Denmark participated.

The report presents a review of the legislation in the Nordic countries on training of safety & health construction co-ordinators, especially the qualifications and educational requirements. Good practice for safety & health construction co-ordination and discussions from the workshop is presented.

Find the report here.


Find the legislation from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Faroe Islands on the obligations of the client concerning safety and health.





Faroe Islands:


Name Organisation/company 
Ingunn Høgåsen Multiconsult
Wenche Solberg Multiconsulent
Tom Ivar Myhre Backe Entreprenør Holding
Lene Jønsson EBA, Entreprenørforeningen
Ola Robert Heramb Fellesforbundet
Anne Nøkleberg Banenor
Bjørlo Vigdis Banenor
Charlotta Gottschalk Dieden Sveriges Byggindustrier
Peter Andersson Sveriges Byggindustrier
Sten Wennerström SISAB
Dorothée Augustin Ramböll
Marcus Törnkrantz Byggherrarna
Arto Reiman University Oulu
Juha Suvanto General Contractors of Finland
Karina Nattestad Nolsøe Landsverk
Signe Mehlsen Byggeriets Arbejdsmiljøbus
Jacob Munk BFA Bygge & Anlæg
Flemming Hansen 3F
Hanne Ullum Bygherreforeningen
Jan Nygaard Hansen Niras
Jørgen Harder Niras
Arne Helgesen Arbejdsmiljørådgiverne
Kim Borch Dansk Byggeri
Charlotte Martin BFA Bygge & Anlæg
Gert Johansen Konstruktørforeningen
Christine Meden Bjerregaard Bygherreforeningen
Graves Simonsen Bygherreforeningen

Find contact info here: Contact info_Nordic meeting.


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Siden er oprettet 1. oktober 2017

Siden er ændret 28. februar 2023